
Poster series


The theme of this poster series is the major current conflicts and wars (East-West conflict, Ukraine war, ...) and possible future developments.

In the short to medium term, peace is expected to come to Ukraine.

In the long term, it is assumed that a spiritual development process will lead to world peace (“Community” (peaceful world community)).

The underlying scientific theories are “Spiral Dynamics®” by Don Edward Beck and Christopher C. Cowan (based on Clare W. Graves) and the “Integral Theory” by Ken Wilber, which assume a gradual and long-term higher development of human beings.

Above text in this version (Ver 1.0) online since 18 August 2023.

The following table shows the colours used here for the levels of the higher development of the human being as well as the designations, basic topics and networks of the levels.


 Above image in this version (Ver 1.0) online since 18 August 2023.

Note the following:

The twelfth level in the table is no longer to be understood as a level (hence the “12” in inverted commas)! Rather, it is a state which encompasses all others.

The expression “NOTHING” designates the “colour” and not the state (more on this later). The correct designation of the state would be “Unity”.

Above text in this version (Ver 1.0) online since 18 August 2023.

All of the above text has been translated from German into English (British) using DeepL ext Data Protection Notice.

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