Change of level

Poster series

Change of level

Streitgespräch, Gutmensch, Narzisst, Egoist, Psychologie, Schatten, Schattenspiele, Schattenboxen, Schattenerkenntnis, Selbsterkenntnis, Meme, Memes, Werte-Memes, Höherentwicklung, Entwicklung auf eine höhere Stufe

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Above image in this version (Ver 1.0) online since 18 August 2023.

Preliminary remarks

Here at this poster a green “female” and a blue “male” meet and they start to argue.

After their argument, they become aware of their psychological shadow and are able to integrate it.

Eventually they each move up a level.

This is a very simplified assumption and representation because the process of changing levels depends on very many factors and is very complicated and ultimately difficult.

Above text in this version (Ver 1.0) online since 18 August 2023.

Abbreviations with explanations

MGM ... Mean Green Meme

HBM ... Healthy Blue Meme

RM ... Red Memes

OM ... Orange Meme

YM ... Yellow Meme

In Spiral Dynamics® theory, the stages with the different colours are often referred to as so-called value memes (vMemes).

A meme is a pattern of information stored in the brain that can be called into consciousness, for example a thought.

A meme can be passed on through communication, or it can be imitated and thus multiplied. In this way, it can spread socioculturally in a similar way to how genes are passed on biologically. Accordingly, memes are subject to socio-cultural evolution.


The MGM (Mean Green Meme) is not an official term or concept in Spiral Dynamics® theory.

By some people the term MGM is used to describe certain negative aspects or shadow sides (pathologies) of the green level. These are behaviours associated with extreme activism, intolerance of dissent or dogmatism.

The term meme and, in general, meme theory and the theory of MGM are scientifically controversial.

Above text in this version (Ver 1.0) online since 18 August 2023.

The story

An MGM and an HBM meet.

They discuss with each other and begin to argue.

The MGM with his inflated ego immediately pulls out the “narcissist's club” and calls the HBM a “Right-wing Narcissist!”—a gross exaggeration, according to the HBM, who is merely a “healthy egoist”.

HBM counters with “Stupid Do-gooder!”—a justified counter-insult, since the MGM is visibly ill, because it cannot fend off RM's attacks—it lacks the appropriate “blue immune system”.

Moreover, MGM—although a do-gooder—apparently lacks heart.

Afterwards, the two get annoyed at the other's arrogance.

Then, in a quiet hour, they both go into themselves and discover their shadow of their own arrogance.

MGM believes he is morally better than HBM, and HBM believes he knows everything better than MGM and science.

They have seen this own arrogance in each other as a mirror, and that is why they have become so angry with each other.

Now they both “click” and a light comes on and their respective shadows disappear.

HBM makes a leap upwards and becomes an OM—ready for the next level “GREEN” in his “game”.

And MGM even makes a quantum leap upwards to the Second Tier and becomes a YM—ready for the next level “TURQUOISE” in their “game”.

Above text in this version (Ver 1.0) online since 18 August 2023.

All of the above text has been translated from German into English (British) using DeepL ext Data Protection Notice.

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