Poster series


Kriege, Ost-West-Konflikt, Westen gegen den Osten, Demokratien gegen Autokratien (Diktaturen), Ukraine-Krieg, Ideologien, Religionen, Symbole, Wort

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Above image in this version (Ver 1.0) online since 18 August 2023.

Description of the symbols

At the top:
As a head an inverted pentagram in the colours black and red.

Here symbol for “evil” (meaning wars and conflicts (“Contradictions”)).


1st letter: “C”

Symbol for Confucianism (in “C”)

2nd letter: “O”

Crosshairs: Here symbol for the “West” (democracies).

(Compare the symbol of NATO. This is visually similar, omitting the compass rose, but has a different meaning than a crosshair!)

3rd letter: “N”

Jewish Star of David (rotated by 90 degrees)

4th letter: “t”

Christian cross

5th letter: “R”

Kokopelli: Indian shaman with flute

6th letter: “A”

Atheists and agnostics

All around an “electron orbit” as a symbol for science.

7th + 8th letter: “D” + “i”

Hammer and sickle and star: Here symbol for the “East” (autocracies).

9th letter: “C”

Crescent moon with star as symbol for Islam

10th letter: “t”

Three-bar cross of the Russian Orthodox Church

11th letter: “i”

Wheel of Buddhism as the dot of the i

12th letter: “O”

OM symbol (somewhat modified) for Hinduism

13th letter: “n”

Symbol for Shintoism

14th letter: “S”

Swastika of Jainism

“Ego” (bottom) and “Heart” (top)

Above text in this version (Ver 1.0) online since 18 August 2023.


Here, first of all, the problematic “STATUS QUO” (momentary state).

The term “status quo” was also frequently used in the past for the East-West conflict.

The individual religious and ideological symbols described above form the word “Contradictions” (in other words, “wars and conflicts”).

In the background, on the wall at the bottom left, the words „Kriege gehören ins Museum“ (“Wars belong in museums”) in German.

(Photo from the Museum of Military History in Vienna)

Above text in this version (Ver 1.0) online since 18 August 2023.

All of the above text has been translated from German into English (British) using DeepL ext Data Protection Notice.

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